Today my subjects are all related to my job. While funny, they also make me roll my eyes and wonder why people are the way they are.
One day a girl walked through my line with her parents. She said to her dad, "There's a dime on the floor." The conversation then went something like this:
"No there's not."
"Yeah there is, look."
"No there's not." (begins to chuckle)
"Yes there IS. Don't you see it?"
"There's not a dime on the floor." (laughing harder)
"Dad, LOOK! There's a dime on the floor!"
"I see it, but it's not a dime."
He was right. It was a quarter. Did I mention this girl was high-school age?
Her mom then informed her dad, "Yeah. She failed math." Really?
Another girl was in line with her mom, and she mentioned a Hispanic name I can't remember. Then she mentioned the girl lived in "Like Carribea or something." Her mom, making me burst out with laughter (I didn't want to be rude, but the comment shocked me), said, "CARRIBEA?!"
"One of those states," the girl replied.
Someone else in line said, "You mean the Carribean?"
The girl said, "No, I don't remember where she's from." After careful thought, she said, "Cuba! That's where she's from.... No. I don't know."
Yeah. She was high-school aged too. Unfortunately, it was not the same girl.
I read the fronts of magazines in passing and when I'm waiting for customers to do things like write checks, put their things away, and figure out which button is the "cancel" button on the pin pad. I usually see stupid things but things that I can imagine people being interested in for some weird reason*. Once in awhile I see something that makes me want to go to the writers of the magazines and be like, "Do you READ what you write?" This instance found me seeing a certain pregnant celebrity, and underneath, the caption: "Her bump gets bigger!" No freaking way. I actually thought she would carry a one-pound baby for the next five months and then give birth to it. That's like saying, "Her hair is growing!" Can you believe it?
*I somewhat equate celebrity worship/gossip with being nosy about non-famous people you don't know. Think about it. Can you imagine seeing a generic newsletter with headlines such as "Karen Spick: She got bloodwork, and it Came Back Negative!" "Joseph Dwain and His Family Go Shopping and Buy Groceries" "The Whitethorns are Buying A Hybrid!"
Sounds stupid, doesn't it?
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