Instead of doing an introductory blog I've decided to put things about me throughout my blogs so you can remember me better and don't learn too much about me all at once.
Here are three things that have recently been in my mind:
I work at a store. It's not too bad. The other day a woman went through my line with two kids. Her daughter, who looked to be about 9 years old, picked up a package of Turtles (the candy kind) and said, "Mom, I found your lunch!" sarcastically. I laughed, and the girl, to back up her claim, said, "Mom can eat chocolate for DAYS!"
Jon (my husband) and I figured out our ticket to riches while in the pet store; we are going to try to get our cat Oscar in the modeling business. He is the older, fatter, prettier cat of our two (Tillie is a cute fluffy gray one). We discovered that nearly the majority cat products with pictures of cats on them have pictures of cats who look like Oscar--orange with a tabby pattern and quite large. In fact, we even have a picture we found at a flea market of an Oscaresque cat looking into a fish bowl.
Hipsterism is self-referentially incoherent. I like discovering this about various things, particularly stupid things. Self-referential incoherence is a philosophy term referring to things that, according to their own principles, do not support themselves. The way that Hipsters make their subculture so is by requiring that all hipsters think, act, and dress alike in order to be pure in the Hipster Way. And, as most or all of us know, Hipsters are completely "against" anything mainstream. But they make themselves mainstream by all being alike. Is being just like all the other Hipsters an exception to their rule, or do they just not realize that they are completely distinguishable from normal people? I chose Hipsters to pick on because they are the most current subculture, but it happens with just about every subculture: Punks, Goths, and Emos, to name a few.
I hope lots of people read this!
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